Developing nations and the fossil fuel dilemma
To ensure a just transition, developing nations should utilize the remainder of our carbon budget
2023 IPCC Report
The latest IPCC report says this is our final chance to act if we want any chance of avoiding 1.5 degrees C heating. Warns that climate change is making Earth “uninhabitable”
Our struggle to respect planetary boundaries
Humanity is crossing Earth’s boundaries, creating an environment that is increasingly inhospitable to life
How climate breakdown is affecting Americans
Half of Americans believe they are immune from climate and ecological breakdown
Wet-bulb temperatures
Some areas hitting wet-bulb temperatures and becoming increasingly uninhabitable
Aerosols and Global Heating
As we start to phase out fossil fuels, the cooling effect from aerosols will disappear within a year, while heat trapping gases will linger in the atmosphere for hundreds of years
Green jobs and degrowth
Transitioning to renewables will save countries money and boost the economy through the creation of green jobs
Climate change denial
Denial about the climate and ecological emergencies is putting the safety and survival of humanity at risk
Carbon Capture and Sequestration Technology
Governments have included carbon capture as part of their net-zero plan, but there is no evidence that carbon capture will work
Mining destroys ecosystems
Fossil fuels and renewable energy both require mining that harms ecosystems, but renewable energy requires less.