Mission & Vision


To offer education about climate and ecological breakdown and the known solutions to climate and ecological breakdown. We encourage people to take action in order to maintain a safe and habitable Earth for ourselves, our children, and all life on Earth. We aim to mobilize voters and promote political participation because maintaining our democracy is critical to ensuring that strong climate legislation can be passed.


To be part of the larger climate movement that is working to mobilize people around the world to make changes in their individual lives and systemically in order create a more equitable, just society that includes the rights of Earth and non-human life. Our goal is to secure a healthy and habitable Earth and create a world where every sentient being is treated with the dignity and respect they deserve.


Democracy: Maintaining democracy in the United States is necessary for securing environmental and human rights.

Political Action: Calling on politicians to pass policies that rapidly transition society off coal, oil, and natural gas to renewable sources of energy and protect 30-50% of the land and water in its natural state. Both of these are in line with what the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports is needed to maintain a habitable Earth.

Wall Street: Pressure banks, investors, and financial institutions to invest customers money into renewables and environmental conservation. Encourage and support people to invest their money in green banks and financial institutions.

Social Justice: Partner with and highlight the voices of people and communities on the frontlines of climate and ecological breakdown.


Art: We accept submissions and post art and writing to inspire people to take action on the climate and ecological crises.

Action: We provide climate actions people can take at home, information about joining or starting climate groups, and upcoming events.

Education: We post the latest news and science about the climate and ecological crises, and provide free educational resources.