AI climate research
Ai research shows that we will lock in 1.5 degrees of heating by 2033 and could hit 2 degrees of heating as soon as 2050.
Take Action From Home
Take Action on the Climate and Ecological Crises from the comfort of your home!
Local Climate Action
Since federal governments aren’t doing enough, we can take our power back at the local level
The power of your money and your vote
Use your money to support green banks, investors, and corporations and your vote to elect environmentally responsible politicians
Liberty Mutual
Insurance companies are meant to protect individuals from catastrophic risks, but when it comes to the largest threat to humanity, insurers are funding and insuring fossil fuel projects. Take action and call on Liberty Mutual to stop insuring fossil fuels projects!
Bank of America
Bank of America is the fourth worst banker of fossil fuels globally. Take action and call on BOA to divest from fossil fuels!
Wells Fargo
Wells Fargo is the second worst banker of fossil fuels in the world, and #1 for fracking. Take action and call on Wells Fargo to divest from fossil fuels!
Net Zero by 2050 is too late
New IPCC report says that we need to halt all new fossil fuel infrastructure and rapidly phase out existing infrastructure
The Inflation Reduction Act won’t save us
The Inflation Reduction Act is not strong enough to prevent climate and ecological collapse
2023 IPCC Report
The latest IPCC report says this is our final chance to act if we want any chance of avoiding 1.5 degrees C heating. Warns that climate change is making Earth “uninhabitable”
Recent Reports from the IPCC and IEA
Reports from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the International Energy Agency
Biden administration keeps greenlighting fossil fuels
Biden administration and COP still not taking bold action on climate that’s in line with protecting us from climate and ecological collapse
Melting Permafrost
Melting permafrost will emit trapped carbon and methane and could potentially release dangerous viruses
Sea level rise: Glacial and Ice sheet Melt
Glaciers and ice sheets are melting faster than scientists projected, locking in sea-level rise that puts coastal communities at risk
Animal Agriculture
Animal agriculture produces around 15% of global emissions and requires massive amounts of deforestation and fresh water
Our struggle to respect planetary boundaries
Humanity is crossing Earth’s boundaries, creating an environment that is increasingly inhospitable to life
How climate breakdown is affecting Americans
Half of Americans believe they are immune from climate and ecological breakdown