Sustainable Activism

After doing activism for years in the states, I am exhausted and need to take a break.

Activism in America

A lot of Americans I’ve talked with are overwhelmed trying to make ends meet, from the stress of parenting, global conflicts, repeated extreme weather events, amongst other things. That may be part of the reason why we haven’t been able to muster enough collective anger or energy to protest and demand the government take stronger action on climate.

Even though we have called our country a democracy, Americans have not had the power to effect decision makers on major issues that affect our safety and wellbeing. The majority of Americans want stricter gun control laws, affordable higher education, stronger action on climate change, affordable healthcare, a higher minimum wage, stronger communities, and an equitable economic system, but our decision makers are choosing not to meet our needs, infighting, or can’t figure out how to compromise across party lines in order to benefit and respond to the needs of average citizens.

As Trump enters office for his second term, our democracy may slip into oligarchy, with more wealth being held by a few, rising inequities, and stalled action on climate and human rights.

Climate Action

Unless Trump admits he is wrong about climate change, which seems unlikely, and acts on the science, I don’t think we will make much, if any, progress on the federal level over the next four years.

We can still make progress on the local level and hope that Trump chooses to be part of the economic transition to renewables in order to maintain economic status and power.

If you aren’t already taking action, consider joining a local grassroots group. Earth Hero can help you find a group that’s good for you.

Excessive Consumption

The majority of people don’t seem ready to change and will continue on with business-as-usual, overconsume, and cross planetary boundaries. Activists keep assuming there will be a major weather event that creates a shift, but collectively we are burning more fossil fuels than ever before, and consumption rates continue to rise.

Why do activism

I do activism in the hope that we can create a society that moves beyond individualism, excessive material comforts, subjective hierarchies, and systems of domination and exploitation. That we can create a society that respects planetary boundaries and transitions to a regenerative economic system that supports the flourishing of plants, animals, ecosystems, and all humans.

An equitable society, economy, and a healthy earth are possible if we collectively choose to manifest that in our actions. I encourage anyone who reads this to take action on climate change and act on behalf of the natural world in a way that is sustainable and considers your own wellbeing.

I’m still committed to climate activism. I’ll post once in a while, sign petitions, contact reps, and work with groups, but in general, I’ll be doing less activism and focusing more on other things in an attempt to avoid burnout.

More Reading


Minimalism and Downsizing